
Sabrina Verjee wins overall Montane SPINE FUSION! Sabrina guztien artetik, emakume zein gizon, helmugara lehena iristen!

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Sabrina Verjee ( UK ) on the finish line; in Kirk Yetholm ( Scotland ),
after winning the Montane SPINE FUSION
( 430 km / 13.000 mD+ )
in 82 hours 19 minutes! ( New Record )

The 1st male, and 2nd overall,
has been Esteban Díaz Castañeda: 88 hours.

Sabrina Verjee ingeles emakumeak SPINE FUSION mendi lasterketa irabazi du,
gainera parte hartzaile guztien artean, gizon zein emakume,
helmugara lehena iristen izan da, marka berria ezarriz ( 82h19´ )!
Lehen gizonezkoa, eta bigarrena Kirk Yetholm-en helmugaratzen
 Esteban Díaz ( Alicante, Spain ) izan da, 88 orduko denbora eginez.

Sabrinak azken urteetan emaitza bikainak lortu izan ditu;
Lakeland 100 km ( 2018 ) = 2. postua
 Dragin´s Back ( 2019 ) = 3. postua

SPINE FUSION froga udan ospatzen da,
eta bere ibilbidea Pennine Way delakoan oinarritzen da,
hau da; Edale ( England ) herrixkatik hasi eta
Kirk Yetholm ( Scotlan ) herrizkan bukatuz.
Guztira 430 km / 13.000 mD+ desnibela gaindituz.

Esan bezala, SPINE FUSION udan ospatzen bada,
bere anai handia, SPINE RACE, negua hartzen du lekukoa.
Azken honen baldintzak beraz are zailagoak dira,
parte hartzaileek eguraldi hotzari eta argitasun gutxiagori aurre egin behar bait diote.

Gogoratu dezagun, aurtengo edizioan, neguko SPNE RACEn,
txapelduna beste emakume bat izan zela;
Jasmin Paris ( UK ),
eta honek ere probako neguko marka ezarri zuen: 83h12´tan!

Sabrina Verjee

After three and a half days of solid racing along Britain’s most iconic National Trail, 
the Pennine Way, Sabrina Verjee touched the wall 
of the Border Hotel in Kirk Yetholm in 82h 19m 07s
becoming the first female to win the MONTANE Spine Fusion race outright.

Her incredible race has seen her lead from start to finish, 
running the last 109kms (approx.) outright on her own, 
after (236) Cees van der Land, was forced to withdraw. 

Sabrina is a highly regarded ultra-marathon runner having placed 
2nd overall and first female in the Montane Lakeland 100 in July 2018 (23:05:47) 
and earlier this year completing the Dragon’s Back for the 3rd time 
where she finished 2nd female and 21st in the overall standings.

The leading male athlete, Esteban Díaz Castañeda (246) 
is approximately 6hrs behind and looking to finish around 0100 on 26 June.
Over eight years the Spine has established itself as one of the world’s toughest endurance race series. 
A seven-day, non-stop, ultramarathon along the 268-mile (431km) Pennine Way National Trail. 
The MONTANE Spine Flare and Fusion races are the summer versions of the MONTANE Spine Race & Challenger which take place each January. 
Whilst the weather may differ slightly the brutal and unforgiving course remains the same.

1 iruzkin:

  1. Hello Adtrid, nice story and better ending, I hope your recovery is healthy and you can continue practicing the outdoor activities that you like. a big hug and keep running through the mountains!
